WASHINGTON – According to WebMD, teens are now experimenting with Snurf pills, an over-the-counter pill containing dextromethorphan (DXM).
DXM is commonly found in cough suppressants, such as Robitussin. Snurf pills are being marketed as having herbal ingredients; however, the main ingredient, DXM, is a synthetic morphine analog.
The drug is legal, but in high doses, it can cause memory loss, depression, anxiety, blurred sense of identity, detachment from self and a sense of unreality.
The use of Snurf drugs is common among ninth and 10th grade students. While there has been a decrease in illegal drug usage among this group, over-the-counter drug consumption is heavily on the rise.
Parents are urged to take stock of their medicine cabinets, including nonprescription medicines.
For more information:
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