Siemens Donates $100K To Fire Protection Lab Renovation

Published: January 28, 2012

BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. — Siemens Building Technologies Division has given Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) $100,000 to support the construction of the school’s Fire Protection Engineering Lab.

In recognition of the gift, WPI has named the Fire Protection Engineering building’s conference center after Siemens to honor its leading role in supporting the advancement of fire and smoke detection technology and its underlying scientific study.

“Siemens has long been a pioneer in the field of fire and smoke detection and Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the industry continues to benefit from the relationship we’ve maintained over the years,” said Karen L. Bean Director of Development for WPI. “Our intent is to apply Siemens gift to expenses associated with the renovation of the Fire Protection Engineering Lab. To assure our leading role in academic development of fire protection engineers, we are recreating the learning environment to better serve students and faculty-Siemens generous support will go a long way to help us with our goals for the facility and for that we are truly grateful.”

Siemens support is earmarked for the school’s Fire Protection Engineering Lab, a facility that has been forwarding engineering and other advanced degrees, graduating fire protection engineers since 1979. Since the school’s inception, WPI has matriculated 596 fire protection engineers, most now serving the industry directly and ensuring that America’s buildings and their occupants are safer from fire-related emergencies.

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“There are few institutions of higher learning that do more for the fire protection industry,” said Daniel Finnegan, Manager, Industry Affairs, Siemens Building Technologies Division. “Our gift not only represents our recognition of the vital role WPI plays, but also serves to highlight Siemens commitment to the future of the industry.”

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