Sexual Assaults at New York College Leads to Security Upgrades

Published: September 8, 2008

BUFFALO, N.Y. – The University at Buffalo (UB) will now implement new security measures after two women were sexually assaulted in the same week on the campus, according to WKBW News.

Campus police do not believe the attacks were related, despite the similarities. The first attack occurred on Aug. 31 with only one assailant. In the second attack, which happened between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. on Sept. 4, the victim was attacked by two individuals.

As a result, campus officials are urging students to walk in groups when it gets dark in order to prevent such occurrences from happening. In addition, the university is in the process of installing 59 surveillance cameras on the south campus, and the department has added late-night patrols.

A new blue light system will also be introduced on campus where if someone activates the system, safety personnel will be able to see the person in real time.

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The new upgrades will not be completed until next year.

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