Quantum Secure Gains Lenel Certifications

The certification allows all types of physical identities, including employees, visitors, vendors and contractors, to be provisioned into the OnGuard system.
Published: September 2, 2016

HID Global reports that Quantum Secure has received additional factory certifications from Lenel. Specifically, Quantum Secure’s SAFE Version 4.9 is certified by Lenel for use on OnGuard 7.1 and OnGuard 7.2.

The certification allows all types of physical identities, including employees, visitors, vendors and contractors, to be provisioned into the OnGuard system based on the policies set within SAFE. SAFE agents get data updates in near real-time from an authoritative source, according to the company, then broadcast the updates to the OnGuard platform based on workflows.

The SAFE agent automates security operations, such as identity onboarding, off-boarding, profile changes, termination, rehiring, role-based access, PIN changes, compliance audits and analytics. SAFE leverages the Lenel OnGaurd DataConduIT application programming interface.


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