Police Standoff Forces Lockdown at St. Francis Hospital

The lockdown prevented ambulances from dropping patients off at St. Francis Hospital.
Published: June 16, 2014

TULSA, Okla. – Police arrested a 62-year-old man Friday after a standoff with police that prompted St. Francis Hospital to lockdown its ER.

The incident started around 6 a.m., when Neill Towe, 27, arrived at the hospital with a gunshot wound to the leg. He told hospital staff that his father, Burgin Towe, had shot him, KJRH.com reports.

The victim also informed hospital workers that his father was outside in a pickup truck, causing hospital security to look for the suspect outside. The guard eventually found Burgin Towe with a gun inside the vehicle.

Administrators then placed the emergency room on lockdown while police and the Special Operations Team handled the incident.

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During the standoff, authorities said the suspect pointed a gun directly at his chest.

The lockdown prevented ambulances from dropping patients off.

Three hours later, police arrested the elder Towe on assault with a deadly weapon charges. No one was injured during the standoff.

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