Pennsylvania Family Sues After Son Receives Detention for T-Shirt

Published: March 13, 2008

LANCASTER, Pa. – After a middle school student was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing an image of a gun, his family filed a lawsuit against the school district citing that the district violated the student’s freedom of speech.

Donald Miller III, a Penn Manor High School student, said he wore the shirt in December in honor of his uncle who is a U.S. Army soldier serving in Iraq. The shirt, which has an image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket, says “Volunteer Homeland Security.” On the back, there is another image of the weapon and says, “Special Issue Resident Lifetime License – United States Terrorist Hunting Permit – Permit No. 91101 – Gun Owner – No Bag Limit.”

Miller was told by school officials to turn the shirt inside out, but when he refused, he was given two days detention.

His parents, Donald and Tina Miller, said their son’s First Amendment rights were violated by the school with its “vague Orwellian policy,” according to the Associated Press. The Millers said the school’s policy stifles free speech and patriotism.

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However, an attorney for school district said the image of a gun did not promote or create a safe environment for the school, adding that the shirt violated the district’s policy.

The Millers filed the suit in January; however, a federal judge will hold a conference Mar. 31 in reference to the case.

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