Parkway School District Seeks to Improve Campus Safety

It would cost $20 million to improve security at Parkway School District.
Published: April 25, 2014

CHESTERFIELD, Mo. – Parkway School District wants to spend $20 million to improve safety and security at all schools.

During a school board meeting on April 23, a PSD spokesperson presented the “Facilities 2020” long-range plan to improve facilities within the district. In addition to beefed up security, the plan included updates to be implemented throughout the next decade, including maintenance upkeep and new science labs, reports.

The plan would cost the district as much as $94 million.

Improvements to safety include updating visitor management procedures at school entrances, increasing security cameras and improving door locks. Other enhancements include upgrades for the fire alarm and sprinkler systems.

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If the school board approves the Facilities 2020 bond, it will go on the ballot in November. If it passes, the projects would begin in summer 2015.

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