Oregon Law Would Ban Pre-1977 School Buses

Published: April 27, 2007

SALEM, Ore. – A school bus safety bill introduced in the Oregon House of Representatives in January would prohibit the transportation of students in the state using buses built before April 1, 1977.

Written and sponsored by House Majority Leader Dave Hunt (D-Clackamas County), the bill was passed in the House on March 14, and was referred to the Senate’s Business, Transportation and Workforce Development Committee for review.

If signed into law, the rule would take effect August 1, 2008, and would be enforced by the State Board of Education. Buses manufactured before 1977 would have to be replaced, with violation of the rule considered a Class B traffic violation punishable by a fine currently set at $242.

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) for school buses issued by the National Highway Safety Administration were mandated by Congress under the School Bus Safety Amendments of 1974 and went into effect April 1, 1977. The FMVSS covered such aspects of performance as rollover protection, passenger seating and crash protection, and vehicle operating systems.

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