Notre Dame Experiencing Increase in Burglary, Larceny

Published: October 5, 2005

SOUTH BEND, Ind., Notre Dame Security/Police (NDSP) released the school’s most recent campus crime report Sept. 29, detailing an increase in burglary and larceny on campus since 2002.

The report presents 2002-2004 data on burglary, larceny, sex offenses, liquor law arrests and drug law arrests, as well as several other types of crime.

According to the Observer, the level of crime in most categories was consistent from year to year, but the numbers for burglary and larceny saw the greatest increase.

Forty-three reports of burglary were recorded in 2002, 49 in 2003 and 62 in 2004. Larceny rose from 436 in 2002 to 459 in 2004.

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Of the 62 burglaries that occurred in 2004, 38 occurred in residential buildings. Of these, only four were the result of forcible entry. Thirty-four of these burglaries happened because dorm rooms were left unlocked.

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