Newtown Seeks $8M DOJ Grant for Counseling

Published: February 20, 2014

NEWTOWN, Conn. – First Selectman Pat Llodra will submit an application Thursday seeking an 18-month, $8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.

If the town is awarded the grant, it will pay for mental health services for approximately 400 people affected by the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, reports

Police officers and other first responders would be some of the recipients of the long-term, special counseling. So far, the town has received about $1.5 million, but much of the counseling has been paid for by local nonprofit organizations.

Mental health experts believe the community will require services as a result of the mass shooting for the next 15 years.

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The town could also adopt a school security plan for 18 security guards, including a security director and 17 guards, nine of whom would be armed, retired police officers.

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