A bloody altercation inside a New Jersey college dorm Sept. 17 led to assault charges for three people.
Nicholas Caramica, 19, Simon Petrov, 22, and Alexander Irasek, 22, were charged after their fight at Ramapo College in Mahwah, N.J. Caramica and Petrov are students at the school.
The disagreement began when Caramica complained to the other two men for smoking outside of the College Park Apartments and getting smoke in his room.
Caramica then went inside the dorm and got a Leatherman knife typically used for hunting and threatened the men.
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Petrov and Irasek followed Caramica back inside the complex and a fight broke out, reports nj.com. The knife was knocked out of Caramica’s hands and students attempted to separate the men until campus police arrived.
All three men sustained minor injuries and refused medical treatment.
Caramica was charged with aggravated assault, possession of a weapon and possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes. Petrov and Irasek were charged with simple assault.
Caramica and Petrov were interim suspended for the incident and Irasek is banned from campus.
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