N.C. Hospital E-mail Breach Affects 5,600 Patients

Published: December 11, 2012

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Carolinas Medical Center-Randolph has contacted as many as 5,600 patients, whose private information may have been compromised, of a security breach by an unauthorized electronic intruder.

Officials discovered the security breach on Oct. 8, according to Carolinas HealthCare System. The intruder attained E-mails from the hospital’s account between March 11, 2012 and Oct. 8, 2012. The majority of the E-mails did not contain patient information, although five did contain social security numbers. Other E-mails included patient names, dates and times of service, provider and facility names, internal hospital medical records and account numbers.

Upon discovery of the breach, hospital authorities immediately took action to prevent further access by the intruder to the affected E-mail account. Currently, there appears to be no evidence that the information has been misused, nor have other E-mail accounts or other computer systems been affected.

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