More Than 500 Security Cameras Installed at UMass Amherst

Published: August 22, 2008

AMHERST, Mass. – By summer’s end, an additional 60 security cameras will be installed at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, bringing the total to more than 500 placed in residence halls, dinning commons and other buildings as part of a campus safety program.

“The presence of the cameras on our campus is broadly publicized,” said James Meade, manager of Residence Hall Security. “Their presence has enhanced campus safety by preventing and deterring crime, identifying suspects and they’ve been a great investigative and crime-solving tool.” The UMass Police Department dispatch center has three 24-inch monitors to view camera footage. Cameras can be watched simultaneously and with a click of a mouse an image can be enlarged to full screen.

In 2000, the installation process started in the residence halls. By 2006, security cameras were installed at every residence hall entrance. Overall, the estimated cost of the project for UMass Amherst Housing Services has been $1.1 million.

Other safety measures in the residence halls include increasing the number of police cadets during weekend nights, hiring more police personnel for the next several years, and having students participate in programs that promote campus safety.

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There are also cameras in the Campus Center, Student Union, Du Bois Library and Isenberg School of Management.

Security camera installation is now a consideration for all new construction and major renovation projects. Security cameras have been included in the designs for the Studio Arts Building, Skinner Hall, Integrated Sciences Building, Central Heating Plant and the Recreation Center.

UMass Aug. 18, 2008 press release

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