Meet the K-12 Security Experts Presenting at the Campus Safety Conference in LA

The Campus Safety conference in Los Angeles will be split up into three tracks designed to serve the needs of security professionals in different fields: K-12, higher education and hospitals.
Published: July 13, 2015

The Campus Safety conference being held July 23-24 in Los Angeles is a can’t-miss educational event for security officers, emergency management personnel and administrators responsible for the protection of hospitals and schools. Topics covered will include sex predator protocols, establishing threat assessment teams, determining appropriate staff levels and much more.

The conference and exhibitor expo will take place at the Westin Los Angeles Airport. To register for the event, visit
Here’s the educational line up for the conference’s K-12 track:

  • Tony Beliz of Beliz Associates and Rick Wall of California State University Los Angeles will look at student trends observed by the L.A. County Department of Mental Health School Threat Assessment and Response Team (START). They will then describe the student assessment and management process and give examples of successful and failed cases.
  • CEO and President of Safeguard Risk Solutions Gary L. Sigrist Jr. will cover measures schools can take to reduce bomb threats, ways to develop relationships with area First Responders and procedures for schools once they receive a bomb threat.
  • Crisis Response Team Leader at Clark County School District Roy Anderson will explain the need to address human behavior during a crisis, explain the importance of creating leaders out of your staff members and teach response drills to empower your staff.
  • Assistant Vice President for Safety and Chief of Police of Florida State University David Perry will discuss lessons learned from the Florida State library shooting in 2014 and the importance of partnerships, planning, compliance and resources for emergency situations.
  • Sgt. Tom Rich of STOPit will explain how adults can teach students about the consequences of using technology to do things like bully and talk about the dangers of cyberbullying and online predation. Rich will also discuss strategies for fostering a positive school climate.
  • Sean Spellecy of NewDawn Security will talk about how schools can integrate the eight sexual predator protocols into their security operations and help administrators identify potential sexual predators.
  • The Sacramento City Unified School District’s Nina Delgadillo, the Sacramento Police Department’s Sgt. Chris Taylor, the Sacramento County Probation Department’s Brian Lee and the Los Angeles School Police Department’s Timothy Anderson will explain the techniques for developing school safety plans that integrate all relevant departments and agencies. They will also explain the benefits of partnerships with other security agencies to better achieve all safety goals.
  • California State University’s Rick Wall, University of Colorado Boulder’s Melissa Zak and University of Texas Houston’s William Adcox will explain the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to stopping violence on college campuses and talk about establishing Threat Assessment Teams and the importance of the teams.
  • Margolis Healy Director of Organizational Assessment Services Paul Verrecchia will discuss the factors generally considered when determining appropriate staffing levels for campus police departments before introducing the Bi-Dimensional Staffing Formula, a staffing analysis method.
  • Jermaine Galloway, an alcohol compliance officer for the Boise Police Department, will discuss the emerging drug trend of marijuana concentrates, how to identify them, how they’re being used with E-cigarettes on campuses and other forms of marijuana use.
  • Margolis Healy’s Manager of Emergency Management Services Christopher Neuwirth will explain the purpose of his company’s Hazard, Vulnerability and Impact Assessment (HVIA) while discussing the limits with existing HVIA processes as part of a larger approach to evaluating disaster risk.
  • Chris M. Wright, owner of The Wright Group, will explain how to recognize behaviors that could be a threat, recognize escalating behaviors of aggression and discuss how to prepare and respond to threatening behavior.
  • Security Management Services International President William Nesbitt will cover the role of perception in modifying behavior and explain how effective synergy ensures a lower cost with optimal return on investments.

Join the Nation’s safety and security leaders at the Campus Safety Conference in LA as we work to create safer schools, universities and hospitals. Learn from expert speakers, make new connections, and return home with the knowledge you need to keep your campus safe!

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