Massachusetts Teens Make Pact to Get Pregnant

Published: June 23, 2008

GLOUCESTER, Mass. – According to an article by Time Magazine, teen girls at Gloucester High School have made a promise to get pregnant and raise their children together.

The school, which has around 1,200 students, usually has about four pregnancies a year; however, this year, 17 students became pregnant.

According to the report, none of the pregnant students are over the age of 16. Principal John Sullivan said the school became suspicious after a larger than usual number of girls asked for pregnancy tests from the school clinic. Officials were shocked to discover that the students were more upset about not being pregnant.

However, Mayor Carolyn Kirk said there was no evidence that the pact ever took place. Instead, she believes the reason for the increase of pregnancies at the school is a result of a lack of funding for health education. She also believes the media plays an important role in glamorizing pregnancy.

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Additionally, Kirk said the district was reviewing a current policy which prohibits the distribution of contraceptives.

In order to encourage teens to stay in school, Gloucester High School also offers a daycare center.

To view the Time Magazine article, please click here.

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