Jeron Electronic Systems Provider Nurse Call Activity Reporting Software

The Provider 790 executive information system (EIS) software now includes an "exception report" that allows clinical managers to review response times outside of the acceptable response times to highlight issues affecting patient satisfaction.
Published: February 6, 2015

Jeron Electronic Systems has updated its Provider 790 executive information system (EIS) software to include an “exception report” that allows clinical managers to review response times outside of the acceptable response times to highlight issues affecting patient satisfaction.

The new Exception Report flags calls that are not answered and/or cleared in person within a desired time period. Each report can be generated to include specific call priorities or all call priorities from patient rooms within a single unit, several units or across an entire facility.

For example, the facility can report all emergency calls across the entire facility outside of the desired response time or all routine calls with a specific nursing unit, the company says.

Clinical managers can sign in and generate standard and exception reports for a single unit, a combination of units, or the entire facility from any computer on the facility’s LAN through the browser interface.

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