Indiana Student Stabbed in Dorm by Roommate’s Mother

Published: April 22, 2008

FORT WAYNE, Ind. – Officials at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW) are reviewing policies related to campus housing after a 22-year-old student was murdered by her roommate’s mother in their shared living suite on April 18.

Police said Tina Loraine Morris, 36, stabbed Liette “Lola” Martinez, one of the two women living with her daughter. Officials said Morris had been staying in the dormitory for approximately two weeks. Campus housing officials were unaware she was living there.

Martinez was discovered by her other roommate around 11:40 a.m., who noticed that there was blood on the walls of the dorm. When the roommate opened the door to Martinez’s room, she found the victim on the floor, covered in blood. Martinez was pronounced dead on the scene.

Currently, school officials are reviewing the guest policy for the nine-building complex. As it stands, guests of the opposite sex are not allowed to stay overnight and same-sex guests are only allowed to stay for 72 hours.

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There has been talk of adding more resident advisers to the residence halls, as well as increasing security patrols. The 303 security cameras placed inside and outside of buildings will also be reviewed. The day following the stabbing, eight of the cameras were not functioning.

In addition, the university is seeking to purchase a new emergency alert system, as their current one has not performed well to alert students.

As for Morris, she is being held at Allen County Jail where she faces preliminary murder and auto-theft charges.

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