Immigrant Rights Activists Organize ‘Great American Boycott II’ for May 1

Published: April 11, 2007

LOS ANGELES – Activists from the March 25 Coalition are planning a second boycott and mass march in a repeat of last year’s protest that drew more than 1 million participants from dozens of cities across the country.

The original event, which took place last year, was organized in response to legislation that would have criminalized illegal immigrants in the United States. Its intent was to demonstrate immigrants’ economic power by having them walk out of businesses and schools across the country, including Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami.

This year’s “Great American Boycott II” is being planned for again for May 1.

The original controversial legislation went on to stall in Congress, but a compromise plan is now making the rounds that would grant work visas to illegal immigrants before returning them home and requiring the payment of large fines.

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