Illinois Authorizes Concealed Carry

Published: July 8, 2013

Illinois became the last state in the nation to allow concealed carry of handguns Tuesday, when lawmakers stopped a last-minute attempt by Gov. Pat Quinn to veto the bill.

Quinn attempted to use his veto authority to suggest changes to the bill such as prohibiting guns in restaurants that serve alcohol and limiting citizens to one firearm at a time, reports Fox News.

The new law allows residents of the state to obtain a permit for $150 as long as they have a Firearm Owner’s Identification card, pass a background check, and complete 16 hours of gun-safety training.

The Illinois State Police have six months to set up a system for accepting applications. The agency expects 300,000 in the first year, a spokeswoman told Fox News.

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The passage comes on the day of a federal appellate court deadline to overturn an unconstitutional concealed-carry ban.

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