Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to include Bill Navejar, who was presented the Elwood (Woody) G. Near Presidential Award.
Heroic hospital security officers and members of the healthcare security community who have worked tirelessly to advance the hospital protection community were honored at the International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety (IAHSS) Foundation recognition banquet held in Charlotte, N.C., May 24.
View the photos of the award recipients.
Awards presented included the medal of distinction, which is given to an individual who, through individual action or initiative, has made a significant and lasting contribution to the healthcare security, safety, and/or risk management professions. Medals of merit were also awarded to individuals who have distinguished themselves in the performance of duty through an act of personal fortitude that is above and beyond the call of duty.
The Chapter of Distinction award was also presented, honoring the chapter that demonstrates the greatest initiative and/or innovation in promoting the healthcare security and safety profession, as well as the IAHSS. Also, the Philip A. Gaffney Faculty Chair, Russell L. Colling Medal for Literary Achievement, Distinguished Lifeworks Medal and the Lindberg Bell Program of Distinction were awarded.
Foundation President Connie Packard lead the event and presented the awards. The winners were:
- Medal of Distinction: Tom Smith of Healthcare Security Consultants Inc. for developing many initiatives and relationships advancing the healthcare field, as well as for his significant involvement with the IAHSS over the years.
- Medal of Merit: Pamela Sharif of Lions Gate Hospital, who delivered a healthy baby boy outside one of the hospital’s entrances and then quickly joined her fellow officers responding to a call involving an aggressive person elsewhere in the facility.
- Medals of Merit: Alex French, Dharmendra Singh, Anderson Gaurav Gill and Mauricio Godoy of Surrey Memorial Hospital, for their quick actions and professionalism in responding to a patient with a knife who attacked French.
- Medal of Merit: Allen Young of Memorial Hermann Healthcare System for his successful intervention when a patient held up a broken glass bottle to a therapist and attempted to destroy property.
- Chapter Distinction Award: Boston Chapter
- Philip A. Gaffney Faculty Chair: David Corbin of Newton-Wellesley Hospital for best exemplifying advancement of the purposes and aims of the IAHSS Foundation through demonstrated achievement in the profession and disciplines of healthcare security, safety and/or risk management.
- Russell L. Colling Medal for Literary Achievement: Don MacAlister of Paladin Security Group who, through his literary abilities, has made a significant and lasting contribution to the healthcare security, safety and/or risk management profession.
- Distinguished Lifeworks Medal: Tony Potter, who has distinguished himself throughout a fulfilled professional career devoted to the furtherance of the purpose of the IAHSS Foundation and the goals and objectives of the IAHSS.
- Lindberg Bell Program of Distinction: University of North Carolina Hospital’s Police Security and Transportation for being a facility that has established, administered and maintained an outstanding healthcare security and safety program.
- Elwood (Woody) G. Near Presidential Award: Bill Navejar in recognition of outstanding contributions, dedication and service to the IAHSS and to the field of healthcare security and safety.
The Foundation Recognition Program was established in 2006 to promote excellence and outstanding contributions to the Association and to the field of healthcare security, safety and risk management. Congratulations to all of the winners!