IAHSS Issues Statement in Support of Hospital Security Grant Legislation

Published: January 28, 2008

GLENDALE HEIGHTS, Ill. – The International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety (IAHSS) recently released the following statement regarding its support of pending hospital security grant legislation:

Since the consciousness of security was awakened with the horrific events of Sept. 11, 2001, there has been a tremendous increase in protection resources dedicated to many industries throughout the country; however, an environment being accessed by an excess of a billion people per day has not responded as such. That industry is healthcare.

There has been, of course, improvement in many healthcare facility protection programs; however, overall progress is nominal.  Above and beyond the daily incidents that challenge healthcare, many facilities do not have the resources to appropriately protect their environment.  Whether due to a lack of mandated security regulations or the unique cost-pressures placed on our nation’s healthcare delivery system serving uninsured and underinsured patients; the funding allocated to protect these critical infrastructures is severely limited.

Study after study reveals that healthcare facilities, most notably hospitals, have experienced the same major violence, including incidents of multiple deaths, as the other major industry segments of our society.  However, the healthcare industry remains behind in its application of security technology and other needed protection equipment. The state of readiness and general preparedness of the industry to respond to significant security emergencies, appropriately secure the facility during a pandemic outbreak or other community event creating a huge patient influx is of concern.

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The International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) is concerned about the increasing risk of violence and theft in healthcare, the availability of staff to respond to security emergencies, specific-security training provided to healthcare practioners, and the general appropriateness of the protection measures installed to make these healing environments safe. Quality patient care cannot be provided if staff members are fearful for their own personal well being.

IAHSS is made up of the professionals that protect the nation’s healthcare providers. We support this legislation to provide the needed funds and tools to be successful to accomplish this most important mission.


IAHSS Jan. 18 press release

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