House Tabs Funds To Monitor Bus-Rail Safety

Published: June 30, 2006

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Legislators have approved an increase in funding for improving the safety of school buses at railroad crossings.

The amendment, introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), to a House resolution gives $70,000 to the Federal Railroad Administration to help monitor where school buses cross dangerous tracks.

Federal regulations require that railroad crossings used by a substantial number of school buses be equipped with automatic gates with flashing light signals. Kucinich said that thorough reporting is necessary to ensure that crossings are in compliance.

“I rise today out of deep concern for the safety of children who ride school buses over railroad tracks in Ohio and across the country,” Kucinich said from the House floor. “My amendment will ensure that there is a person working full time in the Federal Railroad Administration who can help us resolve the inadequate reporting.”

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