'Hostile' Northern Illinois U. Police Chief Under Fire

Published: October 17, 2009

Northern Illinois University (NIU) Police Chief Donald Grady has been put on paid leave while a panel reviews allegations that he threatened the school newspaper’s editor during an interview. There are also concerns that Grady does not work well with other agencies.

The chief was hailed as a hero last year because of his and his department’s response to a gunman who killed five NIU students and injured 21 others. As panicked students were stampeding away from the massacre, Grady and his officers rushed to the incident, risking their own lives.

According to the New York Times, however, even before the shootings, the school newspaper had complained that Grady didn’t disclose crime reports.

According to the Chicago Tribune, the school newspaper is saying Grady offered Editor Justin Weaver an opportunity for post-graduate employment in exchange for a positive story about an NIU police officer who later resigned.

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The news source further claims that DeKalb County law enforcement officials find the chief to be hostile and uncooperative.

Grady is currently on 30 days of paid leave while the NIU panel investigates the allegations. He could lose his job.

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