Graham Spanier, Former Penn State President, Convicted

Graham Spanier was accused of failing to report child abuse allegations to police.
Published: March 27, 2017

Former Penn State President Graham Spanier was convicted of misdemeanor child endangerment charges for his failure to properly respond to child abuse allegations against Jerry Sandusky.

Spanier, 68, is expected to appeal the conviction, which could lead to up to five years in prison, reports the Associated Press.

The charges stem from Spanier’s response in 2001 to football coaching assistant Mike McQueary’s report that he saw Sandusky molesting a boy in a PSU shower. In response to McQueary’s allegation, Spanier, former athletic director Tim Curley and former vice president Gary Schultz told Sandusky he could not bring children onto the campus anymore but did not inform police.

Sandusky was not arrested until 2011 after police received an anonymous tip.

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The scandal shocked Penn State and led to more than 30 lawsuit settlements with people claiming to have been victimized by Sandusky.

Campus Safety has previously reported that the settlements, associated lawyer fees, legal defense costs and fines from the Department of Education and NCAA could cost the university a quarter of a billion dollars.

Legendary football head coach Joe Paterno was also dismissed because of the scandal, although he was never charged with a crime.

Curley and Schultz pled guilty to misdemeanor child endangerment on March 13.

Read Next: Penn State to Pay ‘Scapegoat’ in Jerry Sandusky Case $12M

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