Georgetown University Introduces Self Defense Program to Female Students

Published: September 7, 2008

WASHINGTON – After a sexual assault case was reported in April at Georgetown University (GU), the Department of Public Safety (DPS) has decided to upgrade security, including the launch of a sexual assault defense program for all female students, according to The Hoya.

Jeffrey Van Slyke, director of DPS, started the Rape Aggression Defense Systems while he worked as the public safety chief for the University of Texas. The program, which will be open to all female students at GU, is taught at more than 1,400 colleges and universities. It focuses on self-defense tactics and risk reduction.

Additionally, the university plans to launch an Adopt-a-Cop program, which will have officers attending residence hall meetings to build relationships with students in the dorms. DPS will also check on the halls at least twice during their shifts.

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