Former Duke Security Manager Implicated in 33 Burglaries

Published: April 10, 2011

DURHAM, N.C. — A former security expert at Duke University was arrested in connection to 33 burglaries of medical offices. Shawn Michael Flaugher, 36, faces 29 counts of felonious breaking and entering in Cary and another four felony counts for medical break-ins in Clayton.

In most of the burglaries, office employees arrived at work to find door locks broken and security systems disabled, the News Observer reports. According to Capt. Scott Davis of the Cary Police Department, these crimes were more sophisticated than most burglaries.

Flaugher worked as a manager of security systems for the university from February 2003 until this March. A university spokesman declined to say whether Flaugher had left the university of his own accord or had been terminated.

Flaugher could face up to 14 years in prison if convicted. He is being held at the Wake County jail in lieu of $600,000 bail.

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