Florida District to Add Armed Officers

The Manatee County School District will place armed security officers at its 33 elementary schools.
Published: August 7, 2014

LAKEWOOD RANCH, Fla. – The Manatee County School District has decided to add armed security officers in all of its elementary schools to improve safety.

The district will spend an additional $2 million to add armed security officers in the district’s 33 elementary schools, Bradenton Herald reports.

Additionally, MCSD plans to increase the number of student resource officers so middle and high schools can have a full-time, dedicated SRO.

MCSD officials are looking to hire individuals who previously worked in law enforcement or the military. Additionally, officials want the security officers to work hand-in-hand with principals and to build positive relationships with students.

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District officials have put out a request for proposals for companies that can provide security services the district requires.

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