Florida High School To Receive Fire Alarm Upgrade

Published: February 4, 2008

WELLINGTON, Fla. – School officials in Palm Beach County are requesting $1.5 million to replace the fire alarm system at Wellington High School, which is dangerously close to failing.

On Jan. 11, Joseph Sanches, facilities management chief, sent a memo to Superintendent Art Johnson explaining that the health, public safety and welfare of students, faculty and staff were threatened. Twelve days later, the school board approved the Wellington system replacement without comment. Due to the urgency of the situation, the board gave the job to Weitz Co. without going through the usual public bidding.

However, administrators claim that teachers and students are not in any danger because the fire system is still functioning.

Principal Cheryl Alligood said that although the alarms are not interfering with class time, the constant false alarms and repairs the system has had over the years proves it is time for change.

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The district plans to replace the fire alarms before replacement parts become impossible to find.

Two other schools in the district are scheduled to receive new fire alarm systems in the upcoming school year.

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