Federal Funds Make Trip to School Safer for N.J. Students

Published: May 12, 2009

Thanks to federal funds by the government, Montclair students who walk or bike to school are likely to have a safer trip, according to the Star Ledger.

According to the news source, Montclair received $329,000 of $717,000 from the New Jersey Department of Transportation through the Safe Routes to School Program, which is a federal initiative promoted by U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-8th District) that helps states endorse alternative transportation for elementary and middle school students.

As much as $204,000 will go towards school route upgrades such as signs and crosswalks. Another $105,000 will pay for programs that encourage walking and biking to school. The remainder of the funds will be allotted for police and crossing guards.

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