MIAMI – A man claiming he is a doctor filed a restraining order against two South Florida police officers and two hospital security officers causing the group to have their guns and badges revoked.
However, according to CBS4 news, the man who filed the restraining orders, Michael Weilert, is not a doctor at all; in fact, many are claiming that he is deranged.
On April 4, the two police officers and two security officers were in court to lift the restraining orders against them, which in turn, would give them their badges and guns back in their possession.
Photos have circulated showing Weilert posing as a doctor at UM Jackson Memorial Hospital. When he was seen wandering the halls, he was ordered to vacate the premises. On another occasion, Weilert claimed to be a doctor at Miami Children’s Hospital and demanded VIP treatment. When two security personnel asked Weilert to leave, he responded by filing a restraining order against them.
According to the news report, Weilert said the officers displayed “stalking behavior,” “homicidal thoughts,” and performed “sadistic, terrorist acts” that caused him “severe injury,” and was therefore able to obtain the restraining orders. However, the office issuing the orders were unaware the officers were trying to protect patients, visitors and staff at their respective hospitals.
Weilert has been previously charged with perjury, ID theft and making false claims in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., where he was ruled mentally incompetent to stand trial.