DHS Awards $1.8 Billion in Preparedness Grants

Published: July 27, 2008

WASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security announced July 25 approximately $1.8 billion in grants to bolster state, urban area and tribal government efforts to improve the nation’s readiness, response and recovery capabilities for both natural and man-made emergencies. The department will award approximately $3 billion in Fiscal Year 2008, and has provided roughly $25 billion in grants since Fiscal Year 2002 to state, local, and tribal governments, as well as non-profit organizations.

“These awards reflect a continued and serious commitment to first responders throughout the homeland, particularly in the highest threat areas,” said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. “The American public understands that risk management does not mean risk elimination. Investments are made where risk is greatest, and where recipients have a clear need and plan to produce results. We have continually worked to refine the grants process, and in just a few years have enabled unprecedented capabilities building in communities around the country.”

The grant awards announced July 25 include:

Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) – $1.69 billion. HSGP is comprised of four programs:

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  • State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) – $861.3 million to enhance state, territorial and local capabilities through planning, equipment, training and exercise activities. States must dedicate at least 25 percent of SHSP funds to law enforcement terrorism prevention activities. This includes planning, organization, equipment, and training and exercise activities.
  • Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) – $781.6 million to build capabilities in high-threat, high-density urban areas across the country. The seven highest risk urban areas will receive a combined total of $429.9 million, and 53 high-risk urban areas will receive a total of $351.7 million.
  • Metropolitan Medical Response System Program (MMRS) – $39.8 million is divided evenly among 124 MMRS jurisdictions to enhance mass casualty preparedness and response capabilities.
  • Citizen Corps Program (CCP) – $14.5 million to states and territories to engage citizens in community preparedness.

State Homeland Security Program Tribal (SHSP Tribal) – $1.6 million will go to 12 tribes to build preparedness and response capabilities, and implement homeland security plans. This program provides supplemental funding directly to eligible tribes, pursuant to the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Act of 2007.

Operation Stonegarden Grants (OPSG) – $60 million to land border states to enhance law enforcement border security operations. Dedicated OPSG funds will be provided, for the first time, to states on the northern border.

Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program RCPGP) – $60 million to bolster catastrophic incident preparedness in designated UASI jurisdictions. Ten urban areas are receiving awards.

Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) – $15 million to support target-hardening activities at 232 nonprofit organizations at high risk of an international terrorist attack.

These five grant programs support objectives outlined in the National Preparedness Guidelines, the National Incident Management System, the National Response Framework, and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.

Please visit www.fema.gov/grants for additional information on Fiscal Year 2008 preparedness grants.

DHS July 25, 2008 press release

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