Details Emerging in Fatal Canadian School Stabbing

Brett Bourne died at a hospital after being stabbed in a fight at Kelvin High School on June 2.
Published: June 4, 2015

A 17-year-old student was stabbed to death during a fight at a high school in Winnipeg, Canada, on June 2.

An investigation is ongoing after Brett Bourne died at a hospital after a fight police say may have been over a girl, according to Police say the fight between Bourne and a 16-year-old student started outside Kelvin High School around noon. At some point the two students “disengaged” and a third male, a former student at Kelvin High, intervened. According to police the former student eventually stabbed Bourne, which led to his death.

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Winnipeg Police and a tactical unit responded immediately and arrested the former student. The Winnipeg School Division has made counselors available and sent letters home to parents and students. The school district is also internally investigating to see if Bourne’s death could have been prevented.

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Police have not said whether the suspect brought the knife into the school or why a former student was on school grounds. Winnipeg police said they do not expect to make anymore arrests.

Despite the incident, school division officials say they won’t be significantly increasing security on the campus, reports CBC. Measures, such as metal detectors, won’t be considered.

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