Dept. of Ed. Releases REMS Grant Application

Published: January 10, 2010

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools has just released the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Fiscal Year 2010 grant application. The application deadline is February 26, 2010.

The REMS grant program provides funds to local educational agencies (LEAs) to establish an emergency management process that focuses on reviewing and strengthening emergency management plans within the framework of the four phases of emergency management (Prevention-Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery). The program also provides resources to LEAs to provide training for staff on emergency management procedures and requires that LEAs develop comprehensive all-hazards emergency management plans in collaboration with community partners including local law enforcement; public safety, public health, and mental health agencies; and local government.

This competition limits eligibility to (LEAs) and consortia thereof. Additionally, the REMS grant competition limits eligibility to applicants that do not currently have an active grant under this program.

To read the full announcement, click here.

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