D.C. Schools Plan for Security Upgrade

Published: October 22, 2007

WASHINGTON -Mayor Adrian M. Fenty revealed a new $5 million, three-month, school security plan, which will implement recommendations prepared by a task force Oct. 22. The recommendations follow a deadly shooting that occurred three years ago at Ballou Senior High School.

In June 2007, when Fenty took over D.C. Public Schools (DCPS), there were 2,496 fire code violations at schools across the city. Those violations included the proposed short-term security solution at Ballou, which included chains and padlocks on the majority of the doors.

Fenty said the violations were made public in 2004; however, no action was taken to get them fixed. He has addressed 2,143 violations, with only 353 remaining.

The removal of chains and padlocks has become an issue of security at most schools. City officials plan to replace doors at eight schools to improve security.

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OPEFM Executive Director Allen Y. Lew said that the security upgrade would include the installation of delayed-egress hardware, which would keep the doors locked during school hours and allow a 15-second delayed exit from the inside. School personnel would be alerted when the doors are opened. The doors also would be tied into the existing fire alarm system to release in case of a fire.

A touch screen would allow security to open individual entrances, while the main entry doors would be set to a timer to lock and unlock based on normal school day schedule. If a door is opened without authorization, an alarm will be set off at the main security monitoring area.

The Metropolitan Police Department will temporarily monitor schools until the security plan takes effect. Fire and Emergency Medical Service will also support the plan by providing staff.

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