Campus Safety magazine is introducing a new, exciting editorial department to its print line-up starting in January. “Technology at work” will highlight successful campus safety and security equipment deployments from around the nation.
Featured solutions in this new department will include:
- Mass notification
- Video surveillance
- Access control (physical and logical)
- Weapons
- Incident management/dispatch
- Communications interoperability
- Fire/life safety
- Infant abduction prevention
- Vehicles
- Metal, explosive, radiation and substance detection equipment
- And more!
If your hospital, school, school district or university has recently installed or deployed a new or upgraded safety or security solution, your institution may be selected to be featured in “Technology at Work.” Companies or vendors that provide campus safety and security solutions are also encouraged to submit descriptions of their accomplishments.
For a sneak peek at this exciting new department, click here.
Campuses and companies that are interested in the opportunity should submit a brief description of what was done, along a high-resolution photo of the educational or healthcare institution(s) that received the upgrade to CS Executive Editor Robin Hattersley Gray at [email protected].