Critical Incident Recovery Expert to Keynote Campus Safety Conference

Published: March 14, 2009

During her keynote speech at the Campus Safety Conference, Dr. Nancy Blackwelder will discuss how hospital, school and university administrators can participate in critical incident stress debriefings so they can successfully recover from a trauma.

On Feb. 11, 1988 while working at Pinellas Park High School as an assistant principal,  Blackwelder was victimized by a gun-wielding student. After her ordeal, she recognized that just like the students at her school, education and healthcare administrators who are victimized also require critical incident stress debriefing. After an incident, employee/administrator stress can be exacerbated by their need to return to the scene of the crime each day and their tendency to deny themselves the natural human responses to stress in an effort to care for their students and patients.

Blackwelder has dedicated her career to sharing the knowledge she gained through her own traumatic experience. During the first keynote of the Campus Safety Conference on April 27, she will tell her compelling story and share the ways campus administrators can successfully cope with the challenges of crisis recovery.

She will also speak on traditional and cyber bullying during a separate session at the conference.

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Dr. Blackwelder is an international staff development specialist and has provided training for state organizations throughout the United States: Attorney General’s Offices (Florida and Kansas), numerous school board associations, the Victim Advocate Association and multiple associations for pupil transportation.

She has provided training for National Association of School Security and Law Enforcement Officers, National FBI Training, National Association of Pupil Transportation, School Transportation News, East Tennessee State University, Stetson Law College, the Florida Educational Risk Management Assoc., Phi Delta Kappa and numerous educational organizations for all levels of instruction.

To register for the Campus Safety Conference, visit or call (800) 576-8788.

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