Child Psychiatrist Charged With Viewing Child Porn at Work

Published: September 10, 2013

OGDEN, Utah — A former doctor at McKay-Dee Hospital Center was charged Sept. 9 with 15 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, after authorities discovered the physician had been viewing child pornography at work.

David Ford Wilson, 41, worked as an osteopathic physician and surgeon and was previously employed as a child psychiatrist for Intermountain Healthcare. Authorities learned of Wilson’s indiscretions after IT staff at Intermountain Healthcare discovered the physician was accessing a Web site that contained suspected child pornography on his work computer, reports.

An investigation revealed that Wilson accessed child pornography between January and April 2013. The doctor admitted to authorities that he had a years-long problem viewing child porn. Despite being fired from McKay-Dee Hospital Center on April 30, Wilson continued working in patients’ home, some of which may have had young children.

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