Chicago High School Students Want Increased Security

Published: April 6, 2006

CHICAGO – Approximately 150 students at Kennedy High School walked out of their classes April 4 to demonstrate against the 56-percent increase in violence on campus.

The protestors gathered near the school demanding extra security. They even urged the school to post police officers and security guards in classrooms. The president of the Chicago Teachers Union also believes security should be improved for students and faculty.

Tuesday’s demonstration was prompted by the brutal March 29 beating of a senior honor student by four fellow students. Prior to that, a loaded handgun was found in the bushes just outside the campus auditorium. Additionally, about a fight per day now occurs on campus.

Many students at the school blame the increase on the 190 students who transferred into the school Oct. 1.

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According to the Chicago Sun Times, Chicago Teachers Union President Marilyn Stewart says Chicago schools need to attack the root cause by offering more social services to students and adding counselors.

Students who participated in the protest could be suspended.

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