Chancellor Accused of Ignoring Alleged Teacher Sex Misconduct

Published: January 31, 2010

Several groups are scrutinizing comments made by District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) Chancellor Michelle Rhee when she announced the termination of 266 teachers last October. Rhee stated that some “had sex with children.”

AOL News states that Rhee spoke with Fast Company magazine and a local news affiliate in regards to how she determined which teachers the city would let go to help close a $43.9 million budget gap. In her comments, Rhee said one of the teachers who was fired had been on administrative leave for sexual misconduct with a minor, six others had served suspensions for a variety of corporal punishment violations and two had been suspended for a number of unauthorized absences.

However, by law, if school authorities know of teachers whose behaviors have endangered the welfare of students, the individuals’ names must be reported to police. Currently, Rhee has not provided any names to authorities.

D.C. Council Chairman Vincent C. Gray told WTOP News that he is considering a subpoena requiring the chancellor to testify and give the names of the teachers accused of abusing students.

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It remains to be seen whether or not Rhee or the teachers whom Rhee claims have abused students will face further disciplinary or legal action.

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