CFA Reaches Tentative Agreement in CSU Contract Dispute

Published: April 4, 2007

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The California Faculty Association (CFA) announces a tentative agreement with the California State University (CSU) administration in the 23-month dispute for a contract covering the CSU’s teachers, librarians, counselors and coaches.

CFA President John Travis says, “We have a tentative agreement on the CSU faculty contract that will be good for the CSU, good for our students, good for the faculty-and frankly it will be good for California. As a result, we have put the rolling walkouts at the 23 CSU campuses on hold pending ratification of the agreement.”

The accord was reached using recommendations made by an impartial fact finder as a framework. The fact finder’s report became public March 25.

The salary portion of the tentative agreement will help the faculty to catch up with the cost of living especially in campus cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Jose, which has been a main issue of contention.

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Travis says, “The CSU will be better able to retain teachers in California, improving educational quality in the CSU for students today and in the future.

He adds, “This happened above all because the CSU faculty were willing to take a stand and were determined, united and stepped up with a huge strike vote and strong preparations to take action. The faculty took a strong stand for the CSU, and for California’s public higher education system. We will continue to work for the educational integrity of the CSU.”

Through this agreement, faculty will make real progress toward closing the pay gap between themselves and colleagues in other states.

CFA acknowledges the help of important supporters including members of the state legislature, Lt. Gov. John Garamendi, CSU campus staff, labor unions throughout California and the nation including the AFL-CIO and our affiliates, and many of our students who need and believe in the CSU.

CFA Vice President Lillian Taiz noted there remain important issues challenging California’s state university system.

Taiz says, “Student fees will be raised by the CSU Trustees if more money is not found this spring. Working to stem the rise in student fees will be important for CFA. Also, new policies are needed on compensation for top CSU executives as well as accountability and openness in how the CSU is managed.”

In the coming weeks, the tentative agreement must be turned into a final contract that can be ratified in a vote of the faculty.

Travis says, “The CSU administration did the right thing by agreeing to a contract, based on the fact finder’s report, and avoiding a strike. We hope to work together on rebuilding our university after years of tight budgets, growing class sizes, loss of teachers. The relationship will improve as the administration shows that it values the faculty and places a top priority on the instruction of students.”


California Faculty Association press release

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