Canadian University Hit with Ransomware

The school is not paying the hackers' ransom demand.
Published: December 1, 2016

Carleton University in Ontario was the victim of a ransomware cyberattack Tuesday that limited access to its computer network and infected personal computers.

The hackers requested two bitcoin to restore each machine affected in the attack or 39 bitcoin to restore all affected files, according to The total bitcoin amount is equivalent to about $38,941 USD at today’s exchange rate.

University spokesperson Don Cumming says the university refused to pay the ransom and that IT employees are working to restore the school’s network now.

The school continued to hold classes as its system and email services are slowly recovering from the attack.

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A message on the university’s Facebook page Tuesday said the school was attempting to reduce traffic on its main network and warned students and staff not to use Microsoft Windows-based systems on its IT network.

“Individuals may see ransomware messages appear on their screens, demanding payments via bitcoin,” the statement said. “Users are asked to ignore all messages seeking payment and report them.”

Students with potentially infected computers were asked to refrain from turning them on and contact the school’s IT department.

Read Next: Here’s How 7 Institutions Dealt with Recent Ransomware Attacks

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