Canadian Province Must Act on Roots of Violence

Published: November 16, 2008

The following is a Nov. 14 summary by Children’s Mental Health Ontario on its Roots of Violence report:

The Honourable Roy McMurtry and Dr. Alvin Curling called on the provincial government to provide additional investments in children’s mental health today, as part of their Roots of Violence report.

The report specifically calls for a $200 million investment to provide universal community based youth mental health services within this government’s mandate.

Children’s Mental Health Ontario applauds the Co-Chairs for their insight into the need to provide supports and services to children and youth suffering from mental health issues. One in five children and youth struggles with their mental health. The vast majority are undiagnosed.

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Children’s mental health services are chronically under-funded, while health care, education and policing receive increases each year. It is more cost effective for the province to provide additional funding to support and assist children and youth with their mental health before they struggle in school, come into contact with the law or their health needs become critical.

Research has shown that early diagnosis and intervention are critical to providing young people with a hopeful and healthy future.

Click here to view the full report.

Children’s Mental Health Ontario November 2008 press release.

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