Campus Safety Video News Roundup

In Campus Safety's first news round up, we cover recent stories relating to guns on college campuses and terrorism.
Published: December 16, 2015

Campus Safety Magazine has so much valuable content each week that we’ve decided to start giving brief video overviews of some of the stories that have the biggest impact on the security industry.

In this week’s roundup, we talk about a couple of our stories on the San Bernardino shooting that occurred Dec. 2. Among the stories mentioned is the article on reports that one of the shooters had photos of a local high school on his cell phone. Authorities are still trying to determine if he was considering targeting schools.

Another story mentioned is Lt. John Weinstein’s dissection of the ‘guns on campus’ debate. Weinstein brings his extensive experience in the law enforcement field and training concealed carry holders to make the case that more guns on campus could actually make people less safe.

To keep things even-keeled, we also touch on an article about Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. encouraging his students to obtain concealed carry permits. Liberty has since lifted the gun ban in residence halls on campus.

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