Campus Safety’s Week in Review

Published: May 16, 2013

In cased you missed them, here are some interesting stories that ran on May 10-17, 2013.


How to Prevent Bombings at Campus Events

  • Access control, metal detection and limiting the size of packages allowed into your event will help boost security.

Inside New Smoke Detection & Alternative Signal Path Reports

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  • Sharing knowledge, wisdom and experiences is the path to continuing to move fire and life safety forward. This goes for innovating products, saving lives and reducing injuries and property loss, as well as running more successful businesses. That’s why conferences like NFPA’s recent Suppression, Detection and Signaling Research and Applications Symposium (SUPDET) are so important.

DVD Teaches Bullying Response Techniques for School Bus Drivers

  • Video shows a “worst-case scenario” of what can happen if bullying is not addressed immediately.

Deploying EMV Issuance Solutions With Enhanced Security and Efficiency

  • Campuses deploying Europay Mastercard Visa (EMV) technology will need to follow a number of critical best practices for issuing contact and/or contactless EMV cards with the highest possible security assurances, while also enabling instant issuance capabilities at thousands of branch offices and other locations.

Minneapolis District Builds Mobile Command Center

  • The converted school bus is equipped with a 32-inch flat screen TV, two-way radios, laptops and more.


Security Camera Catches Polite Robber at Seattle Gas Station

  • Video surveillance footage at a Seattle gas station captures a man apologizing to a gas station cashier for robbing him at gunpoint.

Harlem Shake

  • See what the Harlem Shake looks like as see through a thermal imaging camera.

How to Conduct an Emergency Notification Risk Analysis

  • In this video, Jack Poole, who is the principal for Poole Fire Protection, discusses the risk analysis required so that campuses install the appropriate mass notification system. Poole’s presentation was at the International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety on May 6 in Myrtle Beach, S.C.


Judge Bans 14-Year-Old From All District Schools

  • A judge has barred an eighth grader from attending any public schools in the county after learning that she has a history of videotaped assaults on other students.

Health Experts Keep Eye on Pandemic Potential of 2 Viruses

  • The World Health Organization is closely monitoring H7N9, which is a new strain of bird flu, and the coronavirus related to SARS, called MERS-CoV.

U. of Kentucky to Spend $5M to Ramp Up Security

  • In response to recent muggings and other crimes on campus, the University of Kentucky (UK) plans to spend $5 million to enhance security.

NIU Seeks New Campus Police Chief

  • Three months after the dismissal of its former police chief, Northern Illinois University (NIU) announced Tuesday that it would begin searching for a new leader for the campus police force.

Mass. College Considers Arming Campus Police

  • In an effort to increase campus safety, the Holyoke Community College (HCC) Board of Trustees is considering arming the school’s nine-person campus police force.

Synthetic ‘N-bomb’ Drug Raises Concern in Arizona

  • A drug marketed as an alternative to LSD or mescaline could be among the most powerful and potentially deadly of the synthetic drugs that have inundated the market in recent years, police and physicians believe.


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