SAN DIEGO — A former teacher at the Holy Trinity School here claims she was terminated for being the victim of domestic violence.
Second-grade teacher Carie Charlesworth received a letter in April stating that her 14-year contract would not be renewed because her ex-husband’s violent background posed a threat to the school. Additionally, she was told that her four children needed to be removed from the school as well, the Associated Press reports.
In January, Martin Charlesworth, the teacher’s ex-husband, appeared in the parking lot, prompting the school to go on lockdown. Upon further research, the Office of Schools for the Diocese of San Diego discovered that Martin Charlesworth had a 20-year history of domestic violence and the he ignored restraining orders in California and Alaska. Although he is currently incarcerated, he could be released this fall, which factored into the diocese’s decision not to renew Carie Charlesworth’s contract.
Carie Charlesworth is considering filing a lawsuit against school officials. Her attorney stated he would argue that officials breached the implied terms of her contract.
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