Calif. Superintendent Discusses Student Participation at May Day Rallies

Published: April 30, 2008

LOS ANGELES – Superintendent David L. Brewer III of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) released the following statement regarding student participation during the May Day immigration rallies. Schools throughout the district will host forums about immigration and other issues concerning students during lunch periods to prevent students from attending the rallies:

On Thursday, May 1, communities throughout the country will be holding May Day rallies on several civic and political issues, and thousands of people in the Los Angeles area are expected to participate.

In recent years, LAUSD students have walked out of classes to march along major streets or congregated in front of public buildings to rally. We have major concerns for the safety and well-being of students who leave campus during the school day.

For example, students could be exposed to traffic dangers, have limited access to food and water, suffer from exhaustion or dehydration or become victims of a crime. Thus, the district does not support this behavior and school officials will urge students to remain in class on Thursday, May 1.

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We understand and support students’ constitutional rights to voice their concerns on these issues, for example immigration. However, students should exercise their rights via on-campus forums and not lose valuable instructional time. LAUSD schools will arrange these open forums on our campuses so students may exercise their civic duty.

The district also recommends parents discuss these issues with their children at home and encourage them to stay in school on May 1.

Although, the district will try to escort and support any students who break the rules and leave campus during the school day, we only ensure the safety of students who stay on campus. So strongly encourage your student to stay at school on Thursday, May 1.

If you have questions, please contact your child’s school.

Thank you for your attention regarding this matter.

For more information:

Related Articles:

LAUSD May 1, 2008 release

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