Authorities Offer $50K for Information on UCSC Firebombings

Published: August 5, 2008

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. – On Aug. 2, two researchers at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) were victims of fire bombings. Authorities have classified both attempts as acts of domestic terrorism and are offering a $50,000 for information on suspects in the case.

One incident, which occurred around 5:40 a.m., involved the firebombing of a molecular biologist David Feldheim’s home. The biologist uses mice for his research.

Feldheim’s family, including two young children, was in the home at the time of the bombing. All had to escape the home on a fire ladder from a second-story window. Feldheim suffered injuries to his feet during the incident. Police are considering this bombing an attempted homicide because the family was home.

Around the same time, another researcher’s vehicle was firebombed in his driveway in a faculty housing area on campus. That victim’s name has not been released

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Feldheim’s name was one of 13 researchers whose names were listed in a threatening animal rights pamphlet. The pamphlet included the names, home addresses and home phone numbers of the researchers.

Police are offering $50,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the responsible party. Currently students suspected of being involved in a February attack on another UCSC researcher are considered “people of interest.” However, it was never confirmed that the students were responsible for the first attack.

Additionally, federal and local officials are offering a $110,000 reward for information on an attempted firebombing of a UCLA eye doctor’s car June 24.

The device did not ignite, but had the potential to cause extreme harm, according to authorities. The Animal Liberation Brigade is claiming responsibilty on their Web site.

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