Attorney General’s Office Offers School Safety Grants

Published: March 25, 2008

BOSTON – Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office is now accepting grant applications from qualified charitable organizations seeking funding to support school violence prevention efforts. The funds can be used for education, outreach and monitoring programs supporting and improving school climate. Grant applications for the Improving School Climate through Prevention, Peer Mediation, and Community Intervention initiative (Improving School Climate) are due by May 15, 2008.

“Creating a positive school climate, one in which all students, parents, faculty, and staff feel safe, valued and accepted, is vital to reducing acts of violence and supporting educational excellence,” said Attorney General Coakley. “School and community safety is one of the most important priorities for residents of the Commonwealth. These grants offer the opportunity for greater development of existing violence prevention programs and the creation on new ones.”

For over 20 years, through programs such as the Safe Schools Initiative (SSI), Student Conflict Resolution Expert (SCORE) and the Safe Neighborhood Initiative (SNI), the Attorney General’s Office has provided grant funding and technical assistance to schools and communities throughout the Commonwealth to create resources and assist in their violence prevention efforts.

Grant applicants for the Improving School Climate initiative must demonstrate community need and should create an intervention plan which is responsive to that community’s need. Applicants should provide a strong, creative and collaborative violence prevention plan which may include conflict resolution programs, addressing school policies, bullying prevention, and school/community-wide education.

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For further information on the grant or the application process, candidates are encouraged to review the full Request for Proposal (RFP) on the Attorney General’s Office website at The application process began March 18, 2008. All applications must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 15, 2008.

Attorney General March 21, 2008 press release

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