ACLU, Facebook Support Fired Deputies

Published: August 14, 2012

The ACLU of Virginia and Facebook have thrown their support behind six former employees of the Hampton (Va.) Sheriff’s Department who claim they were fired for “liking” the campaign page of the sheriff’s opponent.

A federal judge threw out the case earlier this year, ruling in part that a single click of a mouse on Facebook—all that’s needed on the social networking site for a “like”—is not protected free speech, reports the Daily Press.

“When individuals ‘like’ a page or post on Facebook they are conveying an opinion to their friends and possibly to the entire online world,” said Rebecca Glenberg, legal director of the ACLU of Virginia. “‘Liking’ a politician’s website is no different from wearing a button with the politician’s name—it expresses approval for that politician.”

The ACLU of Virginia filed a legal brief supporting the deputies and released a statement Tuesday.

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