6th Grader Dies After School Fight

Published: March 4, 2013

PHILADELPHIA — A Darby Township Elementary School student involved in a school fight in January died Sunday after he suffered injuries from the scuffle.

During the Jan. 10 incident, Bailey O’Neill, a sixth-grader at the school, got into a fight during recess after a taller boy challenged the student. When O’Neill declined, the boy, who had a history of bullying other children, pushed the victim from behind and struck him in the head five times, according to Fox News.

Initially, O’Neill suffered a concussion, a broken nose and other injuries after the fracas, but two weeks later he began having seizures, prompting doctors to induce a coma. O’Neill was taken off life support a day after he turned 12.

Police, who are currently investigating the case, said they found no evidence that O’Neill was bullied prior to the incident. School officials stated they are cooperating with authorities.

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